Will a Cat Kill a Possum? The Feline-Possession Conundrum

The age-old question of whether a cat can kill a possum has intrigued pet owners and wildlife enthusiasts alike. It’s a complex issue, often entangled in myths and misunderstandings. In this comprehensive exploration, we aim to shed light on the dynamics between cats and possums, providing you with a better understanding of what happens when these two creatures cross paths.

In the ever-expanding world of the animal kingdom, fascinating encounters between different species can often lead to intriguing questions. One such curiosity that often arises in the minds of pet owners is the hypothetical scenario of a battle between a domestic cat and a possum. To provide a comprehensive understanding of this intriguing matchup, we will delve into various aspects, from the characteristics of the contenders to the potential outcome of such an encounter.

Will a Cat Kill a Possum

In theory, a cat is more than capable of killing a possum. However, such instances are extremely rare. The majority of confrontations between cats and possums do not end in a fatality for the possum. Instead, the outcome is often influenced by various factors.

The Nature of Cats

Cats, whether domesticated or feral, are natural-born hunters. Their keen instincts, sharp teeth, and retractable claws make them formidable predators. This hunting prowess often leads to encounters with various creatures, including possums.

The Passive Possum

Possums are generally passive creatures. When confronted by a potential threat, their instinctual response is to “play possum.” This behavior involves feigning death or immobility, which can deter a cat’s hunting instincts. In many cases, possums choose to avoid confrontation rather than engaging in a fight.

Cats as Predators

On the other hand, cats, whether stray or pets, are known to be responsible for a significant number of opossum deaths. While these encounters may result in the demise of possums, they are often linked to other factors, such as hunger, territorial disputes, or opportunistic hunting. It is essential to note that cats, particularly strays, can pose a considerable threat to possum populations.

Mutual Ignorance

Surprisingly, cats and possums often tend to ignore each other. These two species, despite their occasional encounters, do not necessarily engage in direct conflict. They often coexist in the same environment without actively seeking confrontations.

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Rare Occurrences

Instances where a possum may harm or kill a cat are incredibly rare. While it is theoretically possible, the frequency of such occurrences is minimal. Adult opossums may pose a threat to a cat if cornered or if competing for food, but these situations are exceptions rather than the rule.

Overview of Cat and Possum


  • Scientific Name: Felis silvestris catus
  • Common Name: Domesticated Cats/House Cats
  • Average Height: 9 to 10 inches
  • Average Weight: 9 to 11 pounds
  • Average Length: 13 to 16 inches (head to body, excluding the tail)
  • Lifespan: 15 years Domesticated cats have a rich history that dates back thousands of years, evolving through selective breeding. These feline companions have transitioned from their wild ancestors, who were skilled hunters, to become cherished members of many households.

Australia’s Most Common Possums:

  • Scientific Name: Trichosurus vulpecula
  • Common Name: Common Brushtail Possum
  • Average Height: Medium-sized height
  • Average Weight: 2.6 to 10 pounds
  • Average Length: 12.6 to 22.8 inches (head to body, excluding the tail)
  • Lifespan: 13 to 15 years Common brushtail possums are native to Australia and have adapted to living in urban areas. They are nocturnal and primarily folivores, meaning they consume leaves as a significant part of their diet.

Differences Between Cat And Possum

Before delving into the potential outcome of a battle between a cat and a possum, it’s crucial to understand the differences between these two creatures.


  • Domesticated cats typically have fur that can be white, black, gray, or yellow, often displaying various coat patterns such as stripes, swirls, and tabby. They retain certain physical characteristics from their wild ancestors, including pointy ears, long muzzles, and sharp claws. However, they are considerably smaller, with a length of around 13 to 16 inches.
  • Brushtail possums, as the name suggests, have bushy tails. They have a stocky build and can grow up to 23 inches in length. Their fur is gray to brown on their back and lighter on the underside, often displaying dark stripes running down their backs.


  • Domesticated cats are common in residential areas, farms, and urban environments. Stray and feral cats share some characteristics with their wild counterparts, tending to avoid human contact and roaming the streets.
  • Brushtail possums primarily inhabit woodlands and forests. They often stay in trees to avoid predators like foxes and pythons. However, it’s not uncommon to find them in urban areas, where they seek shelter in gardens, tree hollows, and parks.


  • Domesticated cats are known for their speed, agility, and climbing abilities. They can sprint with bursts of speed, squeeze into tight spaces, and have excellent night vision for hunting.
  • Brushtail possums are exceptional climbers with grasping abilities that help them escape predators. They also possess strong hind limbs, night vision, and curved claws for self-defense.

Possum vs. Cat: Who Would Win?

In a theoretical face-off between a cat and a possum, the odds generally favor the cat. Domesticated cats are skilled hunters with sharp teeth and claws, which pose a significant threat to possums. However, possums are not defenseless and can use their agility and sharp claws to fend off attackers.

The outcome of such an encounter also depends on the setting. In a woody area, possums have a better chance of escaping due to their climbing abilities. In contrast, a stray or feral cat may have a higher likelihood of overpowering a possum.

Potential Risks Of Possums To Cats

While the chances of a cat encountering a possum are relatively low, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks possums can pose to your feline companion:

  1. Disease Transmission: Possums can carry certain illnesses and parasites. A possum bite can potentially transmit diseases like toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection.
  2. Physical Injury: Brushtail possums have sharp claws, which can cause physical injuries to cats. However, possums are unlikely to attack cats unless provoked.
  3. Competition For Food: Possums in suburban areas may compete with stray and feral cats for food resources, potentially leaving your pet hungry if you feed it outside.
  4. Stress: The unfamiliar presence of possums, with their unique sounds and smells, can stress out house cats, especially kittens.

Tips To Keep Your Cats Safe From Possums

To ensure the safety of your cats and prevent potential conflicts with possums, consider the following tips:

  1. Keep Your Cat Indoors: Keeping your cat indoors is the most effective way to prevent encounters with possums, reducing the risk of disease transmission and other hazards.
  2. Supervise Outdoor Time: If you allow your cat outdoors, consider supervising its activities to intervene if it tries to prey on a possum.
  3. Possum-Proof Your Home: Secure outdoor spaces by installing cat-proof fences, netting, or enclosures to prevent possums from accessing your cat’s territory.

Are Possums and Opossums the Same?

While both possums and opossums are marsupials, they are distinct animals. Possums are native to Australia but can also be found in New Zealand and China. Opossums, on the other hand, are marsupials native to North America, particularly in the United States and Canada. The confusion between the two arises from the common use of the term “possum” as a shortened form for opossums. Additionally, opossums are larger than possums and have bare tails, while possums have furry tails.

Will a Possum Kill a Kitten?

Possums are not typically confrontational animals and tend to feed on smaller animals, such as rodents, hamsters, or small birds. However, if a possum has no other food source, it may potentially kill and consume a chicken.

Are Possums Dangerous to Cats?

While possums generally do not pose a significant danger to cats, interactions between the two can result in injuries and disease transmission. It’s crucial to take precautions to prevent such encounters and ensure the safety of your feline companions.

In Conclusion: Will a Cat Kill a Possum

The question of whether a cat can kill a possum is nuanced. Cats are natural hunters, and their encounters with possums can result in various outcomes. While a cat theoretically can harm or kill a possum, such instances are rare. Possums, in most cases, resort to passive behaviors to deter potential threats, and cats often coexist with possums without engaging in conflict. Understanding the dynamics between these creatures is crucial for responsible pet ownership and wildlife preservation.

In the hypothetical battle between a cat and a possum, the cat is likely to emerge victorious in most scenarios. However, keeping your pet safe is of paramount importance. By following the recommended tips and understanding the differences between these animals, you can minimize the risks and ensure a harmonious coexistence between your cat and the possums in your area.

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