How Much is a Polydactyl Cat Worth – A Unique Breed 

How Much is a Polydactyl Cat Worth

If you are on the verge of buying a Polydactyl cat, you will be asking the question “How Much is a Polydactyl Cat Worth“. On average, American Polydactyl cats are priced between $1000 and $1300 USD. However, the actual price can vary widely, ranging from as low as $600 to as high as $13,000. The primary factors influencing the price include the cat’s markings, parentage, type, bloodline, breeder, and overall quality.

It is important to note that American Polydactyl cats are born with a genetic mutation that results in extra toes. As a result, not all kittens in a litter will inherit this trait. This can also impact the price of a kitten, as those with more pronounced polydactyly are often considered to be more desirable.

Ultimately, the price of an American Polydactyl cat is determined by a variety of factors. However, buyers can expect to pay a premium for these unique and charming felines.

Polydactyl cats, also known as “Hemingway cats” due to their association with author Ernest Hemingway, are unique and fascinating creatures. These cats are born with extra toes, which can be on their front or back paws, or both. While the exact cause of polydactyly is unknown, it is believed to be a genetic trait.

In terms of monetary value, polydactyl cats typically cost slightly more than their non-polydactyl counterparts. This is due to their rarity and the perceived desirability of their extra toes. However, it is important to note that polydactyly is not a breed, and there is no standard price for these cats. The price of a polydactyl cat will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the breeder, the cat’s lineage, and its overall health and temperament.

While polydactyl cats may have a slightly higher price tag, their value extends far beyond their monetary worth. These cats are often seen as being lucky or good fortune, and they can make wonderful companions. Polydactyl cats are typically just as healthy and active as other cats, and they can live long and fulfilling lives.

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In addition to their unique physical appearance, polydactyl cats are also known for being particularly affectionate and playful. Their extra toes can give them a better grip on objects, which can make them more adept at climbing and playing. Polydactyl cats are also known for being very social creatures, and they often enjoy spending time with their owners.

If you are considering adding a polydactyl cat to your family, it is important to do your research and find a reputable breeder. You should also be prepared to provide your cat with the same love and care that you would give any other feline companion.

Ultimately, the value of a polydactyl cat is not measured in dollars and cents. These cats are priceless companions who can bring joy and laughter into your life. If you are lucky enough to find a polydactyl cat, cherish the bond you share with this unique and special creature.

American Polydactyl: A Unique Breed with Extra Toes and Enduring Charm

The American Polydactyl is a captivating feline that has captivated hearts for centuries with its distinctive trait – extra toes. While this genetic anomaly may initially appear unusual, it is precisely what sets this breed apart, imbuing it with a unique allure that is both endearing and captivating.

Originating in the United States, American Polydactyls are not merely cats with additional digits; they are a recognized breed with distinct physical and behavioral characteristics. Their extra toes, also known as polydactyly, are typically found on the front paws, although they can also occur on the rear paws. The number of extra toes can vary from one to seven, with most Polydactyls having between six and eight toes per paw.

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Far from being a hindrance, the American Polydactyl’s extra toes actually enhance its agility and balance. These cats are known for their exceptional climbing abilities and their knack for navigating even the most challenging terrain. Their extra toes provide them with additional grip and stability, allowing them to scale heights and traverse obstacles with ease.

In addition to their physical prowess, American Polydactyls are also renowned for their gentle and affectionate nature. They are known for being social and playful companions who thrive on human interaction. Polydactyls are particularly fond of children and are known for being patient and understanding playmates.

While American Polydactyls are not as widely recognized as some other cat breeds, they have a devoted following among those who appreciate their unique qualities. These cats are truly special creatures that offer a blend of beauty, intelligence, and unwavering companionship.

Physical Characteristics

In addition to their extra toes, American Polydactyls are typically medium to large in size, with males weighing between 8 and 12 pounds and females weighing between 7 and 11 pounds. They have a muscular build and a sturdy frame, giving them a powerful and athletic appearance.

American Polydactyls come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including tabby, calico, solid, and bi-color. Their coats can be either short or long, and they can have any eye color.

Temperament and Behavior

American Polydactyls are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They are typically very social and enjoy spending time with their owners. Polydactyls are also known for being playful and curious, and they are always up for a game of fetch or a romp around the house.

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While Polydactyls are generally good with children, it is important to supervise interactions between young children and any cat, regardless of breed. This is because even the most gentle cat can become startled or annoyed by rough handling.

Grooming Needs

American Polydactyls with short coats require minimal grooming. Weekly brushing is sufficient to remove dead hair and distribute natural oils throughout the coat. Polydactyls with long coats require more frequent brushing, several times per week, to prevent mats and tangles.

It is important to pay particular attention to the areas between the toes, as these areas can be prone to mats. If your Polydactyl has long nails, they may need to be trimmed regularly.

Health Concerns

American Polydactyls are generally healthy cats. However, they are prone to a few health conditions that are associated with polydactyly. These conditions include:

  • Nail overgrowth: Extra toes can sometimes lead to nail overgrowth. This can be a painful condition that can cause the nails to curl into the paw pad.
  • Polydactyl claw deformity: This condition is characterized by the abnormal development of the claws. Affected claws may be curved, twisted, or even split.
  • Brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAOS): This condition is associated with short-nosed cats, such as Persians and Himalayans. BAOS can cause breathing difficulties, snoring, and heat intolerance.

If you are concerned about your Polydactyl’s health, it is important to consult with a veterinarian.


The American Polydactyl is a unique and captivating breed that is sure to bring joy to any home. With their extra toes, gentle nature, and playful spirit, Polydactyls are truly special creatures that deserve to be celebrated.

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