Do Cats Have Lips? A Closer Look at Feline Anatomy

Cats are mysterious creatures with a wide array of peculiarities, and one question that often crosses our minds is, “Do cats have lips?” To understand the significance of feline lips, we must explore their anatomy and unravel the role these seemingly subtle features play in a cat’s life.

Unraveling Feline Anatomy

Before we delve into the subject of lips, it’s crucial to comprehend the broader aspects of feline anatomy. Cats are mammals, and like many other mammals, they have lips. These lips, although not as prominent as those of humans, are indeed present and serve various purposes.

The Role of Lips in Mammals

Lips in mammals, including cats, are versatile structures with essential functions. One of their primary roles is related to nursing during infancy. Newborn kittens rely on their mother’s milk for sustenance, and lips play a pivotal role in creating a seal around the mother’s nipple, allowing the kitten to suckle effectively. This early nursing phase is vital for a kitten’s growth and development.

Marking Territory

Cats are territorial animals, and they use various methods to mark their domain. Interestingly, lips also contribute to this behavior. Cats have scent glands located on their lips, particularly the corners of their mouths. When a cat rubs its lips against objects or even against you, it’s marking its territory with scent markers. This is a way for a cat to establish ownership over its surroundings.

Distinctive Lip Features

While cats indeed have lips, their appearance can be quite different from what we typically associate with lips. In most cats, their upper lips are thin and often concealed by fur. On the other hand, their bottom lips are more visible and typically pink in color. These lips may appear subtle, but they are essential for various aspects of a cat’s life.

The Philtrum – A Unique Feature

One distinctive feature of a cat’s lip is the philtrum, or medial cleft. This is a small split in the upper lip, and it is common in many mammals, including humans. The philtrum serves a practical purpose, allowing for the flow of air while nursing. It’s fascinating to note that even people have this feature, although it’s more noticeable in some cat breeds.

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Expression Through Lips

Cats are known for their expressive faces, but their lips are less muscular and expressive compared to human lips. While humans use their lips for a wide range of expressions, including smiling, pouting, and kissing, cats primarily rely on their body language, ear positions, and vocalizations to convey their emotions.

Cat Lips Shape

Cats, as a diverse species, come with a variety of lip shapes, which can be attributed to their breed. Most cats have lower lips that are relatively thin, often sporting a charming “bubblegum” pink color, while their upper lips are somewhat thicker and adopt a distinctive V-shape. Unlike humans, cat lips are a less pronounced feature due to their unique mouth anatomy.

The Role of the Philtrum

Ever noticed that little groove beneath your nose? That’s what we call the philtrum, or the medial cleft. Cats have a split upper lip because of this intriguing feature. The philtrum serves a critical function – it draws moisture from the mouth to the nose pad through capillary action. This wet nose aids in trapping odor particles, enhancing a cat’s sense of smell.

The Philtrum in Humans

In contrast to cats, the philtrum in humans and most primates is merely a vestigial depression between the nose and upper lip. You can observe remnants of this non-functional philtrum as a subtle divot above the human upper lip.

Cat Lips: A Multifunctional Marvel

Cat lips serve a multitude of purposes, far beyond mere aesthetics. They play a crucial role in closing a cat’s mouth, preventing the ingress of air, and assisting in holding food and drink. Furthermore, these lips are brimming with nerve endings, making them exceptionally sensitive to touch, temperature, and texture. Cats use their lips for exploring unfamiliar objects and surfaces, making them a vital component of their tactile senses.

But that’s not all; cat lips are also their tools for communication. They create different sounds by manipulating their lips, facilitating interaction with other cats and animals.

The Enigmatic Lip Curl

Have you ever witnessed your cat curling its lips? This curious behavior is often known as the Flehmen response. When cats curl back their upper lips, they are doing more than just making a peculiar face. The roof of their mouths contains extra scent receptors, which helps them capture a richer bouquet of smells. This unique curling action allows pheromones – chemical molecules linked to sexual attraction – to be transferred to the roof of the mouth, reaching an olfactory organ deep within the cat’s nose.

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Interestingly, cats are not the only creatures that exhibit lip curls. Horses, giraffes, elephants, buffalos, goats, llamas, pandas, hippos, and many other animals display this behavior as well.

Black Lips in Cats

Typically, the natural color of cat lips is a charming pink. However, if you notice your cat’s lips turning black, there’s a good chance it’s due to postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. This condition is harmless and results from the overproduction of melanin, causing the skin to darken.

But why might a cat experience an increase in melatonin levels? It can be influenced by environmental factors, such as a sudden transition from a cold to a warm climate zone or prolonged sun exposure. While it’s rare in cats due to their inherent high body temperature and ample fur coverage, hyperpigmentation can occur. The good news is that it often fades over time, with the duration of fading depending on the initial darkness of the affected area.

Black Spots on Cat Lips

Some cats may have black spots on their lips, which can be easily misconstrued as a sign of illness. In reality, these spots are often freckles passed down from their mother. Certain cat breeds, like Tortoiseshell cats, have a genetic predisposition to these black spots. The official medical term for this phenomenon is “lentigo simplex.” While a cat may initially have only a few spots, more can develop as they mature. It’s essential to avoid attempting to clean these spots, as it can harm your feline friend.

Pale Lips in Cats

As cats age, they often undergo a natural loss of pigment in their lips. Therefore, if you observe your cat’s lips turning pale, it’s usually a benign age-related change. However, in some cases, pale lips can be indicative of anemia, a condition characterized by a deficiency of healthy red blood cells responsible for oxygen transport. If your cat’s gums are also pale, it’s advisable to consult a veterinarian, especially if your cat appears lethargic or lacks stamina.

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Hypopigmentation in Cats

Hypopigmentation, or depigmentation, is an exceedingly rare genetic disorder that results in a lighter skin color than the norm for cats. This condition is far from common and is typically an outcome of a genetic anomaly.

Swollen Lips in Cats

When a cat’s lips swell, one common culprit is the eosinophilic granuloma complex, often stemming from an allergic response to flea or worm parasites. Eosinophils, white blood cells, rally together to form granulomas in response to these parasites. The good news is that this condition typically resolves itself, provided it’s treated properly. A veterinarian can offer the necessary guidance and treatment options.

In addition to allergies, other factors like bacterial or viral infections, various dental conditions, chin acne, and even cancerous conditions can cause swollen lips in cats. If you notice your cat’s lips are enlarged or swollen, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian for a thorough evaluation.


The world of cat lips is as multifaceted as the cats themselves. Beyond aesthetics, these enigmatic lips play a pivotal role in a cat’s daily life, from sensory exploration to communication. Understanding the nuances of cat lips can help cat parents better care for their feline friends. So, while the question “Do cats have lips?” may seem simple, the intricacies behind those lips reveal a world of wonder and complexity.

In conclusion, cats do have lips, and these seemingly unassuming features play a significant role in their lives. From nursing during infancy to marking territory and even expressing themselves in their unique way, feline lips are a vital aspect of their anatomy. While they may not be as prominent as human lips, they serve essential functions in the world of our feline companions. Understanding the nuances of feline anatomy helps us appreciate the intricacies of these remarkable creatures.

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